Kiloh Smith Runs World's Oldest & Best Syd Barrett Fan Group
For the last 23 years, Kiloh Smith has run the world's largest, oldest and best Syd Barrett fan group. The group is known as the Laughing Madcaps and can be located by clicking this picture of Syd Barrett:
This group has been responsible for many, momentous, things, in the Syd Universe, over the years. We started the amazing Have You Got It Yet? set about twenty years ago. This collected all of the unreleased Syd material into one collection; no more having to obtain a gazillion bootlegs. There has been a LOT written about it. Read some of it by clicking the picture below:
That fans have the Pink Floyd, Early Years, box set is primarily due to HYGIY? The suits at EMI saw this thing being traded around freely and made their own iteration of it. We are now working on Ver. 3.0 of HYGIY? This is going to be the be all / end all for fans of unreleased Syd.
We've had some people come and go. We lost our beloved Moderator, Victor, to cancer a few years ago. Boy do we miss him. Get this, the Owner of a copy group, called Birdy Whore or something, threw Victor out on the day that he died. Some putz supreme, named Alex, did that. He's going to hell for that stunt. He can never say that he was Victor's friend after that and it was a priviledge being Victor's friend.
We lost a great Moderator, named Steve, to a stroke a few years ago. We are hoping that he recovers enough to return. Steve was the Architect of HYGIY? We lost some crybaby Mods who should have never been Mods and were replaced with more capable staff.
This group discovered the track In the Beechwoods. It appeared on a volume of HYGIY? and the suits at Pink Floyd saw fit to put it out.
And I say "Kiloh Smith" runs the group but we have a whole staff of capable Mods. Anytime SPAM comes through, the Mods drum it out. Any fucking whiners and complainers, as is wont with Syd fans sometimes unfortunately, they are drummed out.
Join us! Click that Syd picture!
You're going to hell Alex, for what you did to Victor.